You might find it strange to call a garbage bag cheerful, but one look at these sunshiny yellow bags will change your mind. They'll brighten up any trash day, and the large 32-33 gallon size makes them really handy for cleaning up after a big gathering. The eye-catching color also means sorting your trash or charity donations is easy as pie. The high-quality low-density resin lets them handle bulky or sharp trash without puncturing, and they have a painstakingly reinforced gusset which gives them an extra line of defense against splitting or leaking, even under heavy loads.
Additional Information
Dimensions 20"W x 13"D x 39"H Clearance Non-Clearance Color Yellow Country Of Origin United States Product Type Trash Bags Season Everyday Product Weight 13.67 lbs Thickness 1.5 mil Capacity 32-33 Gallon Density LLDPE + Repro Seal Type Gusset Packaging Type Flat Packed HR-mail-only true Left Overlay Image Free Shipping.png Lowest Bulk Price 38.24 Brand Plasticplace
You might find it strange to call a garbage bag cheerful, but one look at these sunshiny yellow bags will change your mind. They'll brighten up any trash day, and the large 32-33 gallon size makes them really handy for cleaning up after a big gathering. The eye-catching color also means sorting your trash or charity donations is easy as pie. The high-quality low-density resin lets them handle bulky or sharp trash without puncturing, and they have a painstakingly reinforced gusset which gives them an extra line of defense against splitting or leaking, even under heavy loads.
Dimensions | 20"W x 13"D x 39"H |
Clearance | Non-Clearance |
Color | Yellow |
Country Of Origin | United States |
Product Type | Trash Bags |
Season | Everyday |
Product Weight | 13.67 lbs |
Thickness | 1.5 mil |
Capacity | 32-33 Gallon |
Density | LLDPE + Repro |
Seal Type | Gusset |
Packaging Type | Flat Packed |
HR-mail-only | true |
Left Overlay Image | Free Shipping.png |
Lowest Bulk Price | 38.24 |
Brand | Plasticplace |